Monday, September 8, 2014

Welcome Back!

We hope you all had a great summer and your little ones are excited about the new year! 

This summer the church has been working on the crypt in an effort to improve the environment for our children. There is a lot of work to be done and frankly, we are grateful for it! We will be able to go back into our play space on WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 24th. (We will post right away if this date changes due to complications.) 

But! In the meantime, SAVE THE DATE - we will be holding one of our fabulous LOLLIPOP HUNTS on Sunday morning the 21st- this way we can catch up with friends and start our year off right. Invitations with all the details including exact time and place are coming soon!

If you have never attended Ladybirds Playgroup, but would like to - send us an email and we will send you more information.

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